Thanks for checking out my new website, I hope that this website leaves you with the right impression. If there are any doubts about what to expect from me, please understand:
- Call me if you need competent and zealous representation!
- I’ll attend your DMV hearing even if you don’t!
- I’ll spend whatever time it takes to properly analyze your case and provide the best representation possible!
- I’ll work WITH you in preparing your defense!
- No silver spoon here! I’m not someone who just completed high school, college and law school. I spent 20 years in the U.S. Air Force and 11 years working for the State of Delaware. During that time I’ve earned an Associates Degree, a Bachelor of Science Degree, a Masters Degree and Doctorate of Jurisprudence (law degree). I know what it means to fight for something you believe in!
- I believe that without competent legal representation the State will run over you like a freight train.
- I will consider it an honor and a privilege to fight like Hell for you to stop that from happening!
Matt Stiller